Potato-Chip Baby
Monday, February 28, 2005

In Monday morning's dream, I was in the Caribbean, (where I will be one week from now, actually).
I was wading in the ocean, and elephants were showering me with water from their trunks. I was wading with a young asian girl, maybe 7 years old.

The two of us decided we would each bring an elephant home from our vacation.
The next 'scene' is at the house where I grew up 8-18 years old. I have 2 elephants in the yard, and they are pooping and acting very depressed.

They are so clearly depressed that I thought, "If I could do one thing over in my entire life, I would do this over and NEVER have brought these animals home." I remember thinking how horribly cruel it was of me to want an elephant. And now I had depressed elephants on my hands.

I had to find a way to keep them in the yard, so I tried to tether one to the garage using an impossibly small hook screwed into the side of the garage.

By this time, the elephant I was working with had become a human. A 20-something man in a suit, to be exact. So, now I was attempting to attach his tie to this little hook in the garage. But, in addition to being a young professional, he was also still an elephant, somehow.

Then the dream switched to me and friend riding a tram in a city. It was night and we were riding in the very front of the car, and it was all open. The tram was going slowly and hit a drunk woman walking in front of it. She landed in our laps and was generally unhurt. But I was very upset by the whole thing.     
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Tiffany's unconscious run amok

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