Potato-Chip Baby
Monday, January 24, 2005
  Dreaming about drugs

In my dream this morning, my best friend and I, and my husband, smoked pot. (None of us has ever smoked the stuff in real, awake life)
After smoking, I went back to my room, which was like a dorm, and, of course, there is a drug task force there going through all my stuff. There was nothing to find.
One of the task force guys forced me to breath in his face so he could smell if I'd been smoking pot or not (I saw this done once, a cop made a group of kids each blow in his face so he could see if they had been drinking.) For some reason, the task force guy didn't smell the pot and let me go, but now my room was a mess, and I was high and freaking out.      
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Tiffany's unconscious run amok

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